True or False?  Mouthguards cannot be worn during orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign®.

FALSE!  Mouthguards should always be worn during sports and other recreational activities to help prevent injuries to the mouth and face.  In fact, it’s especially important to wear mouthguards during orthodontic treatment because brackets, wires, and orthodontic appliances can potentially cause damage to the soft tissues (cheeks and lips) on heavy contact.

Conventional boil and bite mouthguards are often not recommended by orthodontists because they can break brackets if not molded properly; in addition, these mouthguards must be refit or replaced during treatment as the teeth and dental arches are aligned.  Instead, opt for mouthguards made specifically for orthodontic patients − these typically have an inner channel that comfortably adapts to the teeth and braces.

Athletes who don’t wear mouthguards are 60 times more likely to suffer tooth damage on contact.  Always remember to play safe and protect your smile!